Your salary is yours. So control when you get paid. No need to wait for an entire month to receive your hard-earned income. With Ropay you can see how much you’ve earned for the days worked and cash it out at the point of time you desire! No need to max out your credit card or apply for short-term loans to pay for unexpected expenses. Transfer a part of your earned salary directly to your bank account in just 5 minutes and get the balance on payday. Get your company to register with Ropay to get rid of your daily financial issues! _________Why Register your Company with Ropay? Over 38% of employees in India worry about finance on a daily basis.With Ropay you can give your employees the option to Cash Out their Earned Salary Anytime! Let employees transfer a portion of their income for the days worked directly to their bank account at any time they require it and receive the balance on payday. No need to worry about making advance payments to employees and make only a lumpsum payment to Ropay at the end of the month on payday. _________Allowing employees to access their earned income at any time!